Saturday, September 27, 2008

Art we own and love, Shawn Wolfe

So stoked! We finally received the title painting "I'm Nauseously Optimistic", we scored it at Wall Of Sound's show for Shawn Wolfe.  The Shawn Wolfe painting below "I'm Nauseously Optimistic" is entitled "These Colors Run", the quote is from William S. Burroughs. We picked that up in Portland at the Grass Hut, a great gallery owned by two super cool artists Bwana Spoons and Scrappers. Shawn's art has been a fave of ours for a longer than we knew he was the one doing it! He is super super prolific, don't believe then go buy his book Uncanny or see his posters or go here and be blown away. I think Negative Land album art was the first taste I had anyways it hardly matters by the time I was living in Seattle the whole place was covered with posters of his Panic Now campaign featuring the Incredible Remover Installer.  All of this was apart of Shawn's Beatkit as he explains in this excerpt from an interview with CrownDozen.  
Beatkit™ was a brand without a product that promised to cease and desist in the year 2000, which it did. Beatkit's mantra was "the general gloss of falsity is our only product", which was a long-winded way of saying "Beatkit: it's all lies." So despite what I say it actually did have a product, the RemoverInstaller™, which was a baby rattle type of device except with no rattle and no moving parts. It had no function or utility of any kind, except to inspire an ad campaign around itself, Panic Now. Panic Now was similar to other real-world ad campaigns, except it dispensed with any pretense to romance or amuse you and instead just focused on the naked howling truth of all ads, i.e. "Stop whatever you're doing and look at this. You don't even know what it is but you need it. Don't try to reason your way through it or out of it, just panic. Now.
Have Fun!
Hairy McSpecies


Giftbearer said...

This is really funny! Interesting too that these various people used a type of reverse psychology for an ad campaigne. I bet it worked too!

"Post-Google" by TAR ART RAT said...

yea ye ayeaaaH

José Moya said...

Nice artist. I knew him from the cover of Revolution Void's "Increase the dosage". His posters deserve a second look...