Monday, October 6, 2008

Mixed Species does WrenWillow in some HOT Artist ON Artist ACTION!

WrenWillow -

Like the phoenix designed for one of her baby onesies, WrenWillow will soon rise from the offal and debris of websites selling baby and children’s wear to heights of stardom! The Phoenix is one of the favorite symbols of our very own Face McSpecies. Face has often cited the legend of the Phoenix in explanation of his past love life. It’s only through the fiery crash and burn that one is cleansed enough to go out and make the same mistakes again! But we digress …

Upon first inspection you can’t help but notice WrenWillow’s beautiful artwork and the complete mastery of form of dragonflies and butterflies. As a shop of four guys our only suggestion would be if she made them robot dragonflies and butterflies. Or better yet, robot dragonfly and butterflies flying out from under a bloody rainbow holding the heads of the recently departed mates. (whoa, too much metal music lately) Our guess is this would be great fodder for the next deep clean found in a Billy Mays infomercial. But really, robots rule but robot dragonflies rule even more!

The MulberryPink Unicorn Kids Tees are perfect for both Isaac and Oliver McSpecies. The Pink Unicorn icon is a subtle reminder of what the Mixed Species guys spend our Etsy dough on. Our newest forms of alternative means of transportation are both Flying Unicorns for air travel and personal submarines when traveling by sea. The bottom line for us boils down to our mobility having the fashion sense of Freddy Mercury minus the reach arounds.

Another phenomenal WrenWillow product are her Diaper Covers! We'd suggest her diaper covers dyed in brown & yellow are perfect for us new fathers. We would coin the term "baby camo" for this particular tie died cover wash. Imagine we'd save a ton of water and energy not having to wash these covers. The stains would never show! We'd also suggest making the diaper covers reversible to double the wearing potential. Turn inside out and reverse to wear four times before “restaining” the same stain. We submit, it may not get any better than this!

Once again we are happy to award WrenWillow five out of five guaranteed Mixed Species stained diaper covers!

Have Fun!

-the Mixed Species guys-

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