As earlier posted on this blog and several other MixedSpecies media outlets, we are starting a new project based on sound collection and sampling. (creatively titled Sound Collector) We've set up a voicemail line for all of our Cult of Mixed Species minions to call in and let us know what's on their minds.
Will we turn them into another Mixed Species one-hit-wonder ala Moustache, into a Mystery Science Theateresque weekly podcast or immortalize your words on refridgerator magnets we don't know. Hell, there's a good chance one of us will get what every you say tattoo'd in a special place.
We've worked ever so intimately once again with our good friend Mike Fairchild aka Mike Fairchild to come up with three different logos for this project. Which one should we choose? Leave us some feedback love and we'll be eternally grateful!
Have Fun!
-the Mixed Species guys-