OK, maybe it's not always better to do what you want now and beg forgiveness later but we do apologize for our lack of blog updates. We have been cranking out a ton of new products and will show our blog some much needed pampering. Here's a little preview:
1.) Mixed Species Guest Artist Series! Our guest artist collaborinos are going splendidly! We are getting ready to launch another new design. Here is a shot of just one in the series.
2.) MixedSpecies all up in your twitter! Come follow us on twitter. It's like a 24 hour, 7 day a week, 365 day a year car wreck. Or maybe we'll get smart and figure out how to do the little twitter updatey bloggety thing.
3.) Check out our growing customer appreciation photo section on flickr. You wouldn't believe what our customers send to us.
That should be more than enough for now. We've also finished off another 5-6 new designs and items in our etsy shop so feel free to browse!
Have Fun!
-the Mixed Species guys-