levityinbrevityWe have the good fortune of reviewing this SLC based artists shop and quickly realized her shop had us thinking of one thing … Baby Making! Speaking of baby making is it just us or is “trip-hop” very good baby making music। There’s nothing like a little Portishead, Tricky or Morcheeba to increase the size of the Cult of Mixed Species. Well trip-hop and Rob Zombie and DeathKlok. Now hold on – before you get all up on your high horse let us explain. In the following “review” we will take you from “pre” to “during” to “post” baby making all based upon products found in
levityinbrevity’s shop! So, join us!
First of all what they say about “the quickest way to a man’s heart” is true. It’s nudity. Well nudity and food. Usually at the same time. The
Chef Chicken Country Cooking Apron is a beautiful little garment that leads us to wonder has anyone ever made Chicken Fried Bacon? Serious ... how good would that be? When we perfect the recipe for Chicken Fried Bacon we'll be coming back for one of her
Oil Cloth Vinyl Bibs, Adult Sized!
We also scooped up the magic
cookie recipe from her shop। We are guessing if we are rolling SLC style hopped up on these cooking AND wearing our lucky underwear chances are we could be lucky enough to wake up foggy married to ten people including our own sister and someone else’s! This reminds us of one of our favorite questions from a Facebook fan. (before we were kicked off) “Is polygamy legal in Corvallis?” This comment still brings tears of pride to our eyes.
Hairy McSpecies remarked after checking out the
Pink Leopard Tote that he’d like to find one of
levityinbrevity’s beautiful bags over his head before a passionate session। In fact he’d look so good there would be no need for the dimmer switch! We can only assume Hairy is referring to a passionate solo session.
Look at this
little brown corduroy dress। Seriously it’s so cute we are considering making babies just so we can have a little Mixed Species girl to put into it. This is much closer to the truth than most might think. The Mixed Species guys are so virile that we’ve actually got a few people pregnant through etsy forum posting! OK, one of them might have been a dude but we were hopped up on Lucky Lager and
levityinbrevity’s cookies. We are saving our money for a couple of levityinbrevity special requests. We will need a couple of training dresses for Hairy and Poppa McSpecies to wear as they prepare to qualify for the upcoming 2012 Olympics three-legged race in London! We will also need a matching dress for Oliver McSpecies to finally match his father. (pending DNA test results)
Our only suggestion is to address the lack of boy's clothes in her shop. Although a pairing of one of her dresses with a high waisted pair of cords for boys would be nothing short of stunning at the next tear fest / clown themed birthday party or maybe that's just our kids' birthday parties? We did however find a great recipe for spiking kids' lemonade with liquor and antidepressants in a Rachel Ray cook book, seems to ease party tension for all involved. By the way, you better make an extra batch for the clown. But we digress ...
So you see? We’ve taken you all through the process of comparing baby making to a shop that makes clothes for girls without feeling the wrath of Corporate McSpecies.