Both Hairy and Face McSpecies have always had moistness for the spork. They usually start out as an innocent spoon, but once our pheromones kick in, the spoon quickly becomes erect! Any shop that runs the gamut of
Blueberry Pie in Beer Cap Pendants to
Shaved, Pierced (complete with
pubes) pieces gets our attention. In fact, you should have seen the amount of mayo slung around the room as Hairy McSpecies shook his head in disbelief!
We chose to review Etsy shop, The Curious Spork using a Rorschachian interview format. Face and Hairy McSpecies will review several wonderful products from The Curious Spork by sharing what comes to their minds and nether regions when admiring each.
Wakey, Wakey Eggs and Bacie and Eggs Earrings
Face: This reminds me of my favorite wake up call of “wakey, wakey hands of snakey”. My mom was funny.
Hairy: Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day even when eaten at 5pm. My favorite wake up call was “wakey, bakey” ….ah um I forgot the rest.
Pink Dice and Sea Green Faux Pearl Bracelets
Hairy: Had I found this shop sooner, every classy lady in my life would have received this bracelet for Valentines Day.
Face: looks down at the pink dice and sea green faux pearl bracelet he received from Hairy for Valentine’s Day. WHAT THE!?
Tetris Charm Bracelet
Hairy: This bracelet gave me some mean flash backs of skipping school to go to a friend’s house and slay a few Tetris lines not to mention scope out his mom!
Face: HA! I’m betting they created “Tetris Effect” based on Hairy imagining THOSE two shapes fitting together.
Creepy Severed Toe Keychain
Face: I’m thinking this would make and awesome addition to any little kid’s trick or treat bag! I can just see the look on that little face as they discover the severed toe nestled between the box of Nerds and the Sweet Tarts.
Hairy: Plus it’s much nicer than the old razor blade in an apple trick! That one is better saved for near-blind rich grandparents.
So at the end of this review the Mixed Species guys HIGHLY recommend you spend some time perusing this shop and rate it Five out of Five hot sporkings!
“Let’s French and Have Fun”’
The Mixed Species Guys
This review has met all standards of weight, measurement and grammatical good taste put forward by Corporate McSpecies