Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Glue Guns Tape Wallet

Every once in a while two shops get together and make some magic, no not that kind of magic you dirty bird. We're talkin' products not etsy storgy session! In this esty store tag team Tape Bubba has honored us by using our Glue Guns > Guns sticker in one of his fine tape wallets. This is a fat hog of a wallet, we could keep enough blow in there to get across six south American borders and still have room for most the overdue bills from home and abroad. Go check it out here and then cruise his shop maybe buy some stuff maybe even convo some nice thoughts. Bubba likes soft talkers with strong dirty and sorta mumbly words. When we talk to him we pretend we've got a mouth full of garlic corn skin on mashed potatoes then try to recite the lyrics from peace train backwards in a drunk voice. Don't forget to clap! 
Thanks Bubba  
-the Mixed Species guys-


TheLuluBean said...

Two of my favorite shops on etsy--TapeBubba and MixedSpecies-- wrapped up all in one. Too good to be true!!

Unknown said...


The designs of these wallet is so beautiful. There are so many designs of wallet and jackets in membership card printing and you can search about these jackets and wallet.